Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hot Child in the City!

Holy Hotness Batman!

It is 100+ here where I live and love every second of it!  I am definitely a warm weather girl!  Today I worked a half day and I will be off until Monday and I plan on enjoying every second.

Body- Today I took it a little easy because my hamstring feels a little tweaked but this is what I did.
I do a circuit like training indoors when it's this hot.
5 min on elliptical on level 2.
25 straight sit ups.
25 front lunges.
25 bicep curls.
5 min on elliptical on level 3.
25 side sit ups
25 squats.
25 straight presses (with 5 pound weights).
5 min on elliptical on level 3.
25 crunches.
25 plies (like ballerinas perform)
25 front arm presses (the kind they do when saying "We must increase our bust!")
5 min on elliptical on level 5
25 lower abdominal crunches
25 side lunges
25 fly presses.

Food- I was kind of bad today but I had intense cravings and with the sense of being on vacation I splurged a little.  But that is perfectly fine.  Also since I'm allergic to dairy splurging for me is healthy for most people.  : )

9:00 - Banana
11:00- Grapes and two slices of honeydew melon
12:00- Apple  (If you are trying to stay trim only eat fruit before noon)
1:30 - Leftover whole wheat spaghetti with organic sauce and sauteed mushrooms.  I also use ground turkey for meat instead of ground beef.
2:00 - Here's where the cravings start.  I really wanted Kettle Corn popcorn so I popped some and ate the whole bag!!!  My husband had some last night when we watched a movie and I passed because it was 9:00 at night.  I really wanted some and just had to give in to my craving.
6:30  We will be going to dinner to celebrate my mini vacay so we are going to eat Mexican food.  I will probably order spanish rice and refried beans.  I will also eat chips, salsa, and guacamole.  Oh and I'm sure I'll have a frozen margarita or two!!!

Here is a picture of the beach in Jamaica.  I wish I was there today!  I hope everyone is having a great middle of the week!  I will post again tomorrow as I'm holding myself accountable for my fitness routine.  It's harder to work out when your clothes fit!  No motivation.

Quote of the day:  

One thing people always appreciate is being appreciated. - Unknown

Welcome to my Blog!

I'm a new comer to blogging and just wanted to say a little about what I'm going to blog about which is a little bit of everything.  
1. Fitness- I have decided to blog about what I do each day to improve my body. 
2. Diet/Cooking - I am allergic to dairy so it makes eating and cooking meals a little bit of a challenge. I'll post what I eat each day and recipes.  
3. Fashion - I Love Fashion! I plan to post favorite outfits I've put together, inspirational photos, etc.
4. Life- I would love to document my life if for no other reason than to go back and read at a later date. So Welcome to my Blog. : )